How Do I Fix Bladder Leakage?
Laser Treatments for Women's Health and Incontinence - A Revolutionary Solution!
Urinary incontinence is a common and often embarrassing problem for women, especially after pregnancy, menopause, and aging. Many women feel like they have limited options when it comes to treating their bladder leakage, but laser treatments for women's health and incontinence are providing a revolutionary solution. Among these treatments is the Fotona Incontilase laser treatment, which is a non-invasive, painless, and effective treatment that targets the underlying causes of urinary incontinence. In this article, we'll explore this innovative solution and how it can help females across different age categories who are struggling with bladder leakage.
What is Fotona Incontilase Laser Treatment?
Fotona Incontilase is an advanced laser treatment that treats stress urinary incontinence by improving the structure and support of the vagina. The treatment involves a specialized laser that delivers controlled laser energy to the vaginal tissue, creating thermal stimulation to induce new collagen formation. This thermally induced collagen promotes tightening and thickening of the vaginal walls and improves overall vaginal lubrication. The Fotona Incontilase laser is safe and painless, without any notable side effects.
How does Fotona Incontilase Laser Treatment work?
The Fotona Incontilase laser treatment offers a unique solution by improving the strength and elasticity of the supportive tissue surrounding the urethra and bladder neck. The improved tone reduces the involuntary contractions of the bladder, which are responsible for urinary leakage. The treatment enhances both the structural integrity of the vaginal walls and muscle tone, which improves optimal pelvic organ support. Incontilase is an excellent option for women who want to avoid traditional invasive treatments such as surgery, which usually requires extended healing periods.
Who is a good candidate for Incontilase laser treatment?
Anyone who suffers from bladder leakage, vaginal dryness, sexual dysfunction, or vaginal laxity may benefit from Fotona Incontilase laser treatment. It's very effective for women with mild to moderate symptoms of stress urinary incontinence who are looking for a non-surgical solution.
What are the benefits of Incontilase laser treatment?
Incontilase laser treatment provides several benefits that women struggling with incontinence may find useful. Firstly, the treatment is quick and painless, taking as little as ten minutes with each laser application. Secondly, it requires no downtime or recovery period. Lastly, Incontilase lasers are safe and FDA-approved, providing an effective and long-term solution that many women swear by.
Incontilase laser treatment is an innovative and advanced solution for women struggling with stress urinary incontinence. It's safe, reliable, and effective, providing relief to patients across all ages without pain or any notable side effects. If you're a woman noticing urinary leaking, vaginal dryness, or other pelvic floor concerns mentioned earlier, Incontilase may be the perfect non-invasive and effective treatment solution. Speak to our professionals today to know more about our Incontilase services and learn if it's right for you.